We have a wonderful team who are committed to the vision, success and progress of the school and have different specialisms to ensure the best possible outcomes for our children, parents and local community.
We are very fortunate to have a highly qualified, experienced and talented staff able to deliver all aspects of the early years and primary curriculum.
We offer a fully trained nursery staff team with all key persons holding level 3 qualifications or above. All of our teaching assistants receive a high level of ongoing training and support. Many of our staff are trained in Paediatric and Adult First Aid and Food Hygiene.
Our staff are committed to developing the whole child through a variety of teaching and learning opportunities and clearly defined boundaries of acceptable behaviour, encouraging each child to aspire to achieve his or her full potential and beyond.
Mrs Burns |
Mrs Pinnock Deputy Head & SENDCo/Inclusion Manager DDSL |
4+ Class (Rainbows) Miss Daniel Teacher |
Mrs Cooper TA |
Mrs Woolley Teacher |
Year 1 (Legends) Mrs Armsden Teacher |
Mrs Bell TA & Afterschool team |
Year 2 (Heroes) Miss Jordan Teacher |
Mrs Harris TA |
Year 3 (Discoverers)
Miss Bourne Teacher |
Mrs Thorpe TA |
Year 4 (Pioneers)
Mrs Felstead (M/T/W) Teacher
Miss Horrill (W/T/F) Teacher |
Miss Joyce TA |
Year 5 (Explorers)
Mrs Whelton Teacher |
Mrs Cooke TA / ELSA |
Miss Smith TA |
Year 6 (Investigators)
Mrs Reynolds Teacher & SLT |
Mrs T Smith HLTA, Lead ELSA |
Mrs Williamson TA |
Nurture (Adventurers) Mr Burrows Teacher, DDSL, SLT |
Mrs O'Connell TA |
Mrs Heath TA, ELSA, After School Club Manager |
Mrs Murby TA |
Miss Nicholls-Sykes Teacher
Mrs Finch TA |
Miss Barnett TA
Miss Toon SHLTA, DDSL, SEND Administration, Attendance |
Miss Kidley School Administrator |
Mr Stevens Sports Coach |
Miss McGrail Business Manager, SLT
Mr Curtis Premises Officer
Verna Hill School Counsellor, DDSL |
Family Support
Family Support Worker Lindsey Woodward
Nursery Manager
Mrs Massarella (DDSL & SLT)
Nursery Officer
Mrs Curtis
Early Years Practitioners
Mrs Saxby & Miss Curtis
Nursery Assistant
Mrs Hart
Nursery / Rainbows Apprentices
Miss Flamson & Mrs Hodges
Breakfast Club Team
Mrs Connor (Manager) & Mr Stevens
Premises Team
Mr Curtis (Premises Officer) Mrs Elton, Mrs Roberts, Mrs Hodges, Mrs Wilkes, Miss Kemp & Miss Goode
Lunchtime Team
Mrs Williamson (Lunchtime Manager) Miss Goode, Mrs Wilkes & Miss Prior (Midday Supervisors)
Individuals earning over £100,000
Local Authority Schools are required to publish annually the number of individuals earning over £100,000. There are no individuals earning over £100,000.