Home Learning



Accessing remote education

How will my child access any online remote education you are providing?

All children across the school are provided with login details for Microsoft Teams – this was provided in the Autumn Term and can, if necessary be requested again from the class teacher.


In addition, as a school we subscribe to other websites. Please click on the links below to access these. 

Click the Twinkl icon below to access work and activities appropriate for your child. Twinkl have very kindly provided free resources to all teachers, parents and carers affected by the virus. 


Click on the links below for other useful websites that your child can access during their time at home.


On purplemash there is a section in the Featured area (on the right hand side) called Weekly Learning Activities. Your child can log in using their username and password that they use at school. Choose their age appropriate learning and try some of the activities. 


White Rose Maths are doing a live lesson each day for each year group. This consists of a video, followed by a practice activity. Please follow the link below to access these sessions. You can also go back and access previous days lessons too. 


The link for Mathletics below is just for year 5 and 6
