Our Governing Body

Click here for confidential content for Governors only 

We are fortunate to have a supportive yet challenging Governing Body. This comprises representatives of the community, parents, teachers and the Local Authority. Governors then sit on sub-committees. These meet once a term to discuss a particular area such as finance or curriculum. These committees then report back to the Full Governors meeting later in the term. 

Please see this message from our Chair of Governors

Dear Parents and Friends,


On behalf of the Governing Body, welcome to Warren Hills Primary School.


Our Governing Body strives to work alongside the Management, Staff, Parents and Friends of Warren Hills to help build and maintain a strong team which will support you and your children throughout their time at the School.


Governors are appointed to ensure that a variety of goals and objectives are met from finance, building maintenance, delivery of the curriculum, pupil welfare and staff appointments, to name a few. 


By working closely with the Leadership Team and all Staff, we endeavour to forward plan ensuring that Warren Hills continues to become innovative, has a clear vision and remains realistic. The Governing Body supports, encourages and challenges the Management and Leadership Team at the heart of the School, to deliver an outstanding learning experience to all pupils.


Above all of this our main goal is to monitor the welfare and education of the pupils, ensuring they are fully supported during their time at Warren Hills, making certain your individual children have the opportunities they deserve and that they reach their full potential. 


During my time as a Governor at Warren Hills, one of the most impressive features I have seen shine through, is that the School prides itself on a sense of community and being an integral part of the local community.


I would like to say I am available for Parents/Carers to contact me for any matter relating to the school but ask that, if possible, you have discussed it with the Headteacher first.


I look forward to meeting you and your continued support for our School and look forward to another successful year at Warren Hills.




Iain Allen

Chair of Governors  

Please see here for the list of Governors on the Governing Body from September 2021

Please see here for attendance at meetings during the 2022-23 academic year

To adhere to the School Standards and Framework Act 1988, all LA funded establishments are required to maintain a register of business interests. The main purpose of this is to ensure that the governors and staff not only act impartially, but are also seen to act impartially including declaring any relationships with school staff. We maintain a register of business interests for both governors and staff with significant financial responsibilities and this is available for inspection. The register of business interests is updated annually, most recently in September 2022 as follows:

Budget Holders:

Helen Burns-none declared

Kirstyn Massarella-none declared

Office staff with significant finance responsibilities:

Michelle McGrail-none declared

Jo Kidley-none declared

Register of Individual Governor’s Business and Pecuniary Interests, other governance roles and relationships 2023


Business & Pecuniary Interests

Governance roles in other educational institutions

Relationships between any governor or school staff

Mr Iain Allen

 None declared



Mr Tim James

None declared



Miss Gemma Toon

None declared



Mrs Helen Burns

None declared


 Head Teacher

Mrs Kirstyn Massarella

None declared


Nursery Manager

Mrs Rachel Jeavons

None declared



Mrs Helen Cuttle

None declared



Ms Jayne Dolby

None declared










Here is the latest "instrument of Governance" updated in October 2019

Terms of Reference for Full Governing Body are currently being updated and will be published here shortly.

Terms of Reference for Pay Committee

Please click on the Governors flyer for information about a Governors role 
