We are the Year 2 class at Warren Hills Community Primary School. Miss Jordan is our teacher and Mrs Harris supports our class.
We Love Reading
In our class, we know how important reading is to help us learn and we follow a reading scheme in our school called Read, Write, Inc. We each have a home reading folder to bring our books home in every day and a yellow reading record. We enjoy reading at home and know how important it is to practise with our parents/carers regularly to help us become successful readers.
A note from the teacher: Please ensure that your child brings their home reading folder back to school every day and remember to enjoy spending some time listening to your child read each day.
Muck, Mess and Mixtures. Let’s get messy. Muck and mess are good. In fact, they're marvellous. Dive in and get your hands and feet all sticky and covered in paint. Play with liquids, squish some dough and check out the slushiest and mushiest foods. Pour, mix, stir, splat. How does it feel to get your hands covered in goo? Make a wobbly jelly and draw with wibbly clay. Write recipes, instructions, riddles and poems – there are loads of scrummy words to describe messy mixtures. Work with paint and other squelchy stuff to create a new gallery space. What will you make? How will you arrange it? How will the gallery make you and your visitors feel? Don’t worry about the mess – it’ll always wash.
Throw it, catch it, roll it, bounce it, up and down and side to side. Can you catch the bouncing ball? Can you bounce too? Jump like a horse, leap like a frog or kick like a kangaroo. How many bounces can you do? Design a game, bouncy or otherwise. Then write instructions for someone else to play. Are the instructions clear enough? Can the players follow them? Who will score the highest? Then let’s create a Sporting Challenge Day for parents and carers. Can they hit it, roll it, win it? Now let’s relax. Breathe deeply and stretch those tired muscles. All that bouncing must have made you tired.
This way or that way? Where should we go? Up to the local shops or down to the playing fields? Let’s learn about our local community, looking at houses old and new and finding out how our streets have changed since our mums and dads were young. Perhaps your granny or grandpa went to your school or maybe they worked in the baker’s shop? Make maps and plans of the streets around us, planning our routes. What can you see? What can we find? Whereabouts do you live? Do you know your address? Find out how to write instructions, directions, adverts and learn rhymes all about our community from different times. When the Lord Mayor writes and asks us to help make our street a better place, it’s time to get your thinking caps on and paintbrushes at the ready. Ready to roll, Street Detectives? Get your clipboards and cameras – it’s time to start investigating.