Pupil Premium

 2022/23 Projects

 We will offer support to pupils through interventions such as

  • Deputy Head/Inclusion Manager non-teaching release to individualise pupil premium SEN support
  • Targeted classroom support by Teaching Assistants
  • Targeted out of class interventions during and after school across all years by HLTA’s
  • Inclusions support (FSW, EAL, Counselling, ELSA, Attendance Support, Magic Breakfast)
  • Curriculum support (Workshops, maths/reading initiatives, trips, homework clubs)

Here is our Pupil Premium strategy statement for 2022/23



Catch Up Funding

Children have been affected by the coronavirus pandemic in many ways. The disruption to education spans across two academic years and the impact of this manifests in different ways within different children.

Our Catch-up Premium will be allocated to support children through three main support strategies – recommended by the EEF – Education Endowment Foundation.

Here is our current spending to date



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