Welcome to our Pioneers class page 2024-25


We are the Year 4 class at Warren Hills Primary School.

The class is taught by Miss Horrill and Mrs Felstead and is supported by Miss Smith.

Welcome to our Pioneers class page 2023-24


We are the Year 4 class at Warren Hills Primary School.

The class is taught by Miss Horrill and Mrs Felstead and is supported by Mrs Williamson and  Mrs Murby.


PE this term will be on a Tuesday and a Wednesday

Please ensure that your child has an indoor kit consisting of a Warren Hills P.E. T-Shirt, shorts and plimsolls and also an outdoor kit consisting of plain tracksuit bottoms or leggings, a Warren Hills P.E. T-Shirt, sweatshirt and pair of trainers. Long hair must be tied back and earrings removed (if your child is unable to remove earrings themselves, please ensure they are removed before school). 

Summer 2 2023-24

Blue Abyss

Grab your wetsuit. We’re going deep into an underwater world of incredible coral and mysterious sea creatures. Head to your local aquarium and learn about life in the ocean. Can you pick a favourite fish, plant or animal? What do real divers get up to below the surface? Create a fishy story about exploring an amazing underwater world. Time to go a little deeper into our seas. Make a model deep sea submarine that can withstand great pressure and travel to the deepest, darkest places on Earth. Make sure you test it first. What are those bright lights in the distance? It’s a group of bioluminescent sea creatures. Look closely and create a colourful, 3-D art exhibition when you rise to the surface. Flippers on? Snorkel ready? Let’s head into the Blue Abyss.

Topic Web

Knowledge Organiser

We Love Reading

In our class, we know how important reading is to help us learn and we follow a reading scheme in our school called Read, Write, Inc. We each have a home reading folder to bring our books home in every day and a yellow reading record. We enjoy reading at home and know how important it is to practise with our parents/carers regularly to help us become successful readers.

A note from the teacher: Please ensure that your child brings their home reading folder back to school every day and remember to encourage them to spend some time reading either to an adult or independently each day.

Summer 1 2023-24

Misty Mountain

Mighty mountains peak above the morning mists, imposing and eternal, rocky outcrops at their feet. Discover how these giants are formed, as a fold or a block, a dome or a plateau. Follow the water cycle’s course from peak to valley and meet the exceptional tribes of the hostile Himalayas. Then plan a mountain expedition from the BMC that is eco friendly and as safe as can be. But look out. What’s that by that tree? Its footprints are huge. Have we found the Yeti?

Investigating the melting point of different materials.

We carried out an investiagtion to find the temperature differnt materails melt - turn from a solid to a liquid. We put ketchup, chocolate, butter, milk, cheese and shampoo into the freezer to turn them all into a solid. We then put them in the oven at 30, 40, 50, 60 and 70 degrees and observed any changes from a solid to a liquid. Milk had the lowest melting point of 30 degrees and cheese had the highest melting point of 70 degrees,

Making a non- Newtonian Fluid - Ooblek!

A non - Newtonian Fluid is a materail that can take on the properties of a solid and a liquid when a force is applied

Spring 2 2023-24

Road trip USA

Buckle up, sunglasses on. We’re going on a road trip across the good old US of A. Flying from London Gatwick, and landing at JFK airport New York, it’s time to explore the sights and sounds of the Big Apple. Use your map skills to navigate your way around some of its most famous landmarks and send a postcard home to ask the question ‘Do you wish you were here?’ Learn how to send an email to book a day trip or reserve a room. Make sure you ask the important questions ‘Does your hotel have a pool? Is there 24-hour room service?’ Meet the Iroquois tribe; Native Americans with amazing customs and traditions. Then plan a bespoke road trip for Mr Smith and his family of four. They want to spend three weeks in the sunshine. It’s going to be a long ride. Put the roof down and let the wind blow through your hair. We’re off.

Swimming this term will be on a Tuesday

Payment for this can be made on ParentPay at a subsidised cost of £1.50 per week. Please ensure your child has the appropriate kit of a one piece swimming costume or shorts, a swimming hat and a towel. 

Spring 1 2023-24

Traders and Raiders

Traders & Raiders. Big and strong, powerful and brave, the Saxons wave their battle axes and brandish their swords as they begin to invade Britain’s shores. Sail back to the Dark Ages, where battles were rife and fear reigned. Find out about the lives of the Saxons, including how they lived and where they came from. Meet the bloodthirsty Vikings from Scandinavia – never before had such terror swept the land. Make a Saxon sword or a Viking brooch and decorate it with intricate patterns. Choose to be a Saxon or Viking and trade your crafty goods, but let’s keep it cool. We don’t want a fight breaking out. Are you ready to shine a light on the dangerous and deadly Dark Ages?

In Traders and Raiders, we have learned how Vikings made bread! We used flour from ancient grains to make a dough and put cheese inside for flavour. Instead of cooking it on a hot stone in a fire, we used a hot plate. Some of liked it-others, not so much!

Autumn Term 2 2023-24


What’s that noise? A bash? A crash? A shake, a rattle or a low, bass hum? Which do you prefer – an acoustic singer or a booming brass band? A solitary voice singing sweetly and quietly or a magnificent choir lifting the roof? Take out your ear plugs as you journey through the valley of sound and find out about instruments, the sounds they make and how they are produced. Discover how sounds are made and which sounds travel the furthest. Then, sing up and compose a class song for the local talent contest, Class Factor. Can you write a number one hit? Be sure to stand up straight, warm up your voice and sing your heart out. When your performance is done, sit back and listen to calming classical melodies, a soothing lullaby or your favourite boy band ballad. Can you hear me over there? Or do I need to TALK MORE LOUDLY?

Autumn Term 1 2023-24

I am Warrior


I am strong, brave and powerful. Meet me in battle. Draw your sword, wield your axe and challenge me if you dare. Invade and attack. Romans versus Celts, the fight is on. Discover warring Britain: meet Claudius, Boudicca and Julius Caesar and find out what the Romans did for us.

In our 'I am Warrior' topic, we looked at Roman coins. Then we designed and made a purse to carry them in.

Welcome to our Pioneers class page    2022 - 2023


We are the Year 4 class at Warren Hills Primary School.

The class is taught by Miss Horrill and Mrs Felstead and is supported by Mrs Cave.


PE this term will be on a Tuesday and Wednesday

Please ensure that your child has an indoor kit consisting of a Warren Hills P.E. T-Shirt, shorts and plimsolls and also an outdoor kit consisting of plain tracksuit bottoms or leggings, a Warren Hills P.E. T-Shirt, sweatshirt and pair of trainers. Long hair must be tied back and earrings removed (if your child is unable to remove earrings themselves, please ensure they are removed before school). 

We Love Reading

In our class, we know how important reading is to help us learn and we follow a reading scheme in our school called Read, Write, Inc. We each have a home reading folder to bring our books home in every day and a yellow reading record. We enjoy reading at home and know how important it is to practise with our parents/carers regularly to help us become successful readers.

A note from the teacher: Please ensure that your child brings their home reading folder back to school every day and remember to encourage them to spend some time reading either to an adult or independently each day.

Summer Term 2 2022-23

Grab your wetsuit! We’re going on a deep sea adventure.

This half term, we’ll visit an aquarium to gain an insight into the ocean world. We’ll sketch different creatures and create clay sculptures of our favourite. Writing poems inspired by our favourite sea creatures will help us to develop a rich vocabulary. Using maps, globes and atlases, we’ll identify the world’s oceans and seas. We’ll also find different ways of grouping living things. Diving back into the 1800s, we’ll learn all about the HMS Challenger. We’ll research Jacques Cousteau and write biographies about his exciting explorations. As a challenge, we’ll create model submarines using recycled materials and program an onscreen submarine. We’ll study Antony Gormley’s Another Place sculpture and write reviews. After locating the Great Barrier Reef on a map, we’ll learn about the risks it faces.

Summer Term 1 2022-23

Mighty mountains peak above the morning mists, imposing and eternal, rocky outcrops at their feet. Discover how these giants are formed, as a fold or a block, a dome or a plateau. Follow the water cycle’s course from peak to valley and meet the exceptional tribes of the hostile Himalayas. Then plan a mountain expedition from the BMC that is eco friendly and as safe as can be. But look out. What’s that by that tree? Its footprints are huge. Have we found the Yeti?

Spring Term 2 2022-23

Buckle up, sunglasses on. We’re going on a road trip across the good old US of A. Flying from London Gatwick, and landing at JFK airport New York, it’s time to explore the sights and sounds of the Big Apple. Use your map skills to navigate your way around some of its most famous landmarks and send a postcard home to ask the question ‘Do you wish you were here?’ Learn how to send an email to book a day trip or reserve a room. Make sure you ask the important questions ‘Does your hotel have a pool? Is there 24-hour room service?’ Meet the Iroquois tribe; Native Americans with amazing customs and traditions. Then plan a bespoke road trip for Mr Smith and his family of four. They want to spend three weeks in the sunshine. It’s going to be a long ride. Put the roof down and let the wind blow through your hair. We’re off.

Spring Term 1 2022-23


Traders & Raiders. Big and strong, powerful and brave, the Saxons wave their battle axes and brandish their swords as they begin to invade Britain’s shores. Sail back to the Dark Ages, where battles were rife and fear reigned. Find out about the lives of the Saxons, including how they lived and where they came from. Meet the bloodthirsty Vikings from Scandinavia – never before had such terror swept the land. Make a Saxon sword or a Viking brooch and decorate it with intricate patterns. Choose to be a Saxon or Viking and trade your crafty goods, but let’s keep it cool. We don’t want a fight breaking out. Are you ready to shine a light on the dangerous and deadly Dark Ages?

Autumn Term 2 2022-23


What’s that noise? A bash? A crash? A shake, a rattle or a low, bass hum? Which do you prefer – an acoustic singer or a booming brass band? A solitary voice singing sweetly and quietly or a magnificent choir lifting the roof? Take out your ear plugs as you journey through the valley of sound and find out about instruments, the sounds they make and how they are produced. Discover how sounds are made and which sounds travel the furthest. Then, sing up and compose a class song for the local talent contest, Class Factor. Can you write a number one hit? Be sure to stand up straight, warm up your voice and sing your heart out. When your performance is done, sit back and listen to calming classical melodies, a soothing lullaby or your favourite boy band ballad. Can you hear me over there? Or do I need to TALK MORE LOUDLY?

Autumn Term 1 2022-23


I am Warrior! I am strong, brave and powerful. Meet me in battle. Draw your sword, wield your axe and challenge me if you dare. Invade and attack. Romans versus Celts, the fight is on. Discover warring Britain: meet Claudius, Boudicca and Julius Caesar and find out what the Romans did for us.


Welcome to our Pioneers class page 2024-25


We are the Year 4 class at Warren Hills Primary School.

The class is taught by Miss Horrill and Mrs Felstead and is supported by Miss Smith.

Welcome to our Pioneers class page 2023-24


We are the Year 4 class at Warren Hills Primary School.

The class is taught by Miss Horrill and Mrs Felstead and is supported by Mrs Williamson and  Mrs Murby.


PE this term will be on a Tuesday and a Wednesday

Please ensure that your child has an indoor kit consisting of a Warren Hills P.E. T-Shirt, shorts and plimsolls and also an outdoor kit consisting of plain tracksuit bottoms or leggings, a Warren Hills P.E. T-Shirt, sweatshirt and pair of trainers. Long hair must be tied back and earrings removed (if your child is unable to remove earrings themselves, please ensure they are removed before school). 

Summer 2 2023-24

Blue Abyss

Grab your wetsuit. We’re going deep into an underwater world of incredible coral and mysterious sea creatures. Head to your local aquarium and learn about life in the ocean. Can you pick a favourite fish, plant or animal? What do real divers get up to below the surface? Create a fishy story about exploring an amazing underwater world. Time to go a little deeper into our seas. Make a model deep sea submarine that can withstand great pressure and travel to the deepest, darkest places on Earth. Make sure you test it first. What are those bright lights in the distance? It’s a group of bioluminescent sea creatures. Look closely and create a colourful, 3-D art exhibition when you rise to the surface. Flippers on? Snorkel ready? Let’s head into the Blue Abyss.

Topic Web

Knowledge Organiser

We Love Reading

In our class, we know how important reading is to help us learn and we follow a reading scheme in our school called Read, Write, Inc. We each have a home reading folder to bring our books home in every day and a yellow reading record. We enjoy reading at home and know how important it is to practise with our parents/carers regularly to help us become successful readers.

A note from the teacher: Please ensure that your child brings their home reading folder back to school every day and remember to encourage them to spend some time reading either to an adult or independently each day.

Summer 1 2023-24

Misty Mountain

Mighty mountains peak above the morning mists, imposing and eternal, rocky outcrops at their feet. Discover how these giants are formed, as a fold or a block, a dome or a plateau. Follow the water cycle’s course from peak to valley and meet the exceptional tribes of the hostile Himalayas. Then plan a mountain expedition from the BMC that is eco friendly and as safe as can be. But look out. What’s that by that tree? Its footprints are huge. Have we found the Yeti?

Investigating the melting point of different materials.

We carried out an investiagtion to find the temperature differnt materails melt - turn from a solid to a liquid. We put ketchup, chocolate, butter, milk, cheese and shampoo into the freezer to turn them all into a solid. We then put them in the oven at 30, 40, 50, 60 and 70 degrees and observed any changes from a solid to a liquid. Milk had the lowest melting point of 30 degrees and cheese had the highest melting point of 70 degrees,

Making a non- Newtonian Fluid - Ooblek!

A non - Newtonian Fluid is a materail that can take on the properties of a solid and a liquid when a force is applied

Spring 2 2023-24

Road trip USA

Buckle up, sunglasses on. We’re going on a road trip across the good old US of A. Flying from London Gatwick, and landing at JFK airport New York, it’s time to explore the sights and sounds of the Big Apple. Use your map skills to navigate your way around some of its most famous landmarks and send a postcard home to ask the question ‘Do you wish you were here?’ Learn how to send an email to book a day trip or reserve a room. Make sure you ask the important questions ‘Does your hotel have a pool? Is there 24-hour room service?’ Meet the Iroquois tribe; Native Americans with amazing customs and traditions. Then plan a bespoke road trip for Mr Smith and his family of four. They want to spend three weeks in the sunshine. It’s going to be a long ride. Put the roof down and let the wind blow through your hair. We’re off.

Swimming this term will be on a Tuesday

Payment for this can be made on ParentPay at a subsidised cost of £1.50 per week. Please ensure your child has the appropriate kit of a one piece swimming costume or shorts, a swimming hat and a towel. 

Spring 1 2023-24

Traders and Raiders

Traders & Raiders. Big and strong, powerful and brave, the Saxons wave their battle axes and brandish their swords as they begin to invade Britain’s shores. Sail back to the Dark Ages, where battles were rife and fear reigned. Find out about the lives of the Saxons, including how they lived and where they came from. Meet the bloodthirsty Vikings from Scandinavia – never before had such terror swept the land. Make a Saxon sword or a Viking brooch and decorate it with intricate patterns. Choose to be a Saxon or Viking and trade your crafty goods, but let’s keep it cool. We don’t want a fight breaking out. Are you ready to shine a light on the dangerous and deadly Dark Ages?

In Traders and Raiders, we have learned how Vikings made bread! We used flour from ancient grains to make a dough and put cheese inside for flavour. Instead of cooking it on a hot stone in a fire, we used a hot plate. Some of liked it-others, not so much!

Autumn Term 2 2023-24


What’s that noise? A bash? A crash? A shake, a rattle or a low, bass hum? Which do you prefer – an acoustic singer or a booming brass band? A solitary voice singing sweetly and quietly or a magnificent choir lifting the roof? Take out your ear plugs as you journey through the valley of sound and find out about instruments, the sounds they make and how they are produced. Discover how sounds are made and which sounds travel the furthest. Then, sing up and compose a class song for the local talent contest, Class Factor. Can you write a number one hit? Be sure to stand up straight, warm up your voice and sing your heart out. When your performance is done, sit back and listen to calming classical melodies, a soothing lullaby or your favourite boy band ballad. Can you hear me over there? Or do I need to TALK MORE LOUDLY?

Autumn Term 1 2023-24

I am Warrior


I am strong, brave and powerful. Meet me in battle. Draw your sword, wield your axe and challenge me if you dare. Invade and attack. Romans versus Celts, the fight is on. Discover warring Britain: meet Claudius, Boudicca and Julius Caesar and find out what the Romans did for us.

In our 'I am Warrior' topic, we looked at Roman coins. Then we designed and made a purse to carry them in.

Welcome to our Pioneers class page    2022 - 2023


We are the Year 4 class at Warren Hills Primary School.

The class is taught by Miss Horrill and Mrs Felstead and is supported by Mrs Cave.


PE this term will be on a Tuesday and Wednesday

Please ensure that your child has an indoor kit consisting of a Warren Hills P.E. T-Shirt, shorts and plimsolls and also an outdoor kit consisting of plain tracksuit bottoms or leggings, a Warren Hills P.E. T-Shirt, sweatshirt and pair of trainers. Long hair must be tied back and earrings removed (if your child is unable to remove earrings themselves, please ensure they are removed before school). 

We Love Reading

In our class, we know how important reading is to help us learn and we follow a reading scheme in our school called Read, Write, Inc. We each have a home reading folder to bring our books home in every day and a yellow reading record. We enjoy reading at home and know how important it is to practise with our parents/carers regularly to help us become successful readers.

A note from the teacher: Please ensure that your child brings their home reading folder back to school every day and remember to encourage them to spend some time reading either to an adult or independently each day.

Summer Term 2 2022-23

Grab your wetsuit! We’re going on a deep sea adventure.

This half term, we’ll visit an aquarium to gain an insight into the ocean world. We’ll sketch different creatures and create clay sculptures of our favourite. Writing poems inspired by our favourite sea creatures will help us to develop a rich vocabulary. Using maps, globes and atlases, we’ll identify the world’s oceans and seas. We’ll also find different ways of grouping living things. Diving back into the 1800s, we’ll learn all about the HMS Challenger. We’ll research Jacques Cousteau and write biographies about his exciting explorations. As a challenge, we’ll create model submarines using recycled materials and program an onscreen submarine. We’ll study Antony Gormley’s Another Place sculpture and write reviews. After locating the Great Barrier Reef on a map, we’ll learn about the risks it faces.

Summer Term 1 2022-23

Mighty mountains peak above the morning mists, imposing and eternal, rocky outcrops at their feet. Discover how these giants are formed, as a fold or a block, a dome or a plateau. Follow the water cycle’s course from peak to valley and meet the exceptional tribes of the hostile Himalayas. Then plan a mountain expedition from the BMC that is eco friendly and as safe as can be. But look out. What’s that by that tree? Its footprints are huge. Have we found the Yeti?

Spring Term 2 2022-23

Buckle up, sunglasses on. We’re going on a road trip across the good old US of A. Flying from London Gatwick, and landing at JFK airport New York, it’s time to explore the sights and sounds of the Big Apple. Use your map skills to navigate your way around some of its most famous landmarks and send a postcard home to ask the question ‘Do you wish you were here?’ Learn how to send an email to book a day trip or reserve a room. Make sure you ask the important questions ‘Does your hotel have a pool? Is there 24-hour room service?’ Meet the Iroquois tribe; Native Americans with amazing customs and traditions. Then plan a bespoke road trip for Mr Smith and his family of four. They want to spend three weeks in the sunshine. It’s going to be a long ride. Put the roof down and let the wind blow through your hair. We’re off.

Spring Term 1 2022-23


Traders & Raiders. Big and strong, powerful and brave, the Saxons wave their battle axes and brandish their swords as they begin to invade Britain’s shores. Sail back to the Dark Ages, where battles were rife and fear reigned. Find out about the lives of the Saxons, including how they lived and where they came from. Meet the bloodthirsty Vikings from Scandinavia – never before had such terror swept the land. Make a Saxon sword or a Viking brooch and decorate it with intricate patterns. Choose to be a Saxon or Viking and trade your crafty goods, but let’s keep it cool. We don’t want a fight breaking out. Are you ready to shine a light on the dangerous and deadly Dark Ages?

Autumn Term 2 2022-23


What’s that noise? A bash? A crash? A shake, a rattle or a low, bass hum? Which do you prefer – an acoustic singer or a booming brass band? A solitary voice singing sweetly and quietly or a magnificent choir lifting the roof? Take out your ear plugs as you journey through the valley of sound and find out about instruments, the sounds they make and how they are produced. Discover how sounds are made and which sounds travel the furthest. Then, sing up and compose a class song for the local talent contest, Class Factor. Can you write a number one hit? Be sure to stand up straight, warm up your voice and sing your heart out. When your performance is done, sit back and listen to calming classical melodies, a soothing lullaby or your favourite boy band ballad. Can you hear me over there? Or do I need to TALK MORE LOUDLY?

Autumn Term 1 2022-23


I am Warrior! I am strong, brave and powerful. Meet me in battle. Draw your sword, wield your axe and challenge me if you dare. Invade and attack. Romans versus Celts, the fight is on. Discover warring Britain: meet Claudius, Boudicca and Julius Caesar and find out what the Romans did for us.


Welcome to our Pioneers class page 2024-25


We are the Year 4 class at Warren Hills Primary School.

The class is taught by Miss Horrill and Mrs Felstead and is supported by Miss Smith.

Welcome to our Pioneers class page 2023-24


We are the Year 4 class at Warren Hills Primary School.

The class is taught by Miss Horrill and Mrs Felstead and is supported by Mrs Williamson and  Mrs Murby.


PE this term will be on a Tuesday and a Wednesday

Please ensure that your child has an indoor kit consisting of a Warren Hills P.E. T-Shirt, shorts and plimsolls and also an outdoor kit consisting of plain tracksuit bottoms or leggings, a Warren Hills P.E. T-Shirt, sweatshirt and pair of trainers. Long hair must be tied back and earrings removed (if your child is unable to remove earrings themselves, please ensure they are removed before school). 

Summer 2 2023-24

Blue Abyss

Grab your wetsuit. We’re going deep into an underwater world of incredible coral and mysterious sea creatures. Head to your local aquarium and learn about life in the ocean. Can you pick a favourite fish, plant or animal? What do real divers get up to below the surface? Create a fishy story about exploring an amazing underwater world. Time to go a little deeper into our seas. Make a model deep sea submarine that can withstand great pressure and travel to the deepest, darkest places on Earth. Make sure you test it first. What are those bright lights in the distance? It’s a group of bioluminescent sea creatures. Look closely and create a colourful, 3-D art exhibition when you rise to the surface. Flippers on? Snorkel ready? Let’s head into the Blue Abyss.

Topic Web

Knowledge Organiser

We Love Reading

In our class, we know how important reading is to help us learn and we follow a reading scheme in our school called Read, Write, Inc. We each have a home reading folder to bring our books home in every day and a yellow reading record. We enjoy reading at home and know how important it is to practise with our parents/carers regularly to help us become successful readers.

A note from the teacher: Please ensure that your child brings their home reading folder back to school every day and remember to encourage them to spend some time reading either to an adult or independently each day.

Summer 1 2023-24

Misty Mountain

Mighty mountains peak above the morning mists, imposing and eternal, rocky outcrops at their feet. Discover how these giants are formed, as a fold or a block, a dome or a plateau. Follow the water cycle’s course from peak to valley and meet the exceptional tribes of the hostile Himalayas. Then plan a mountain expedition from the BMC that is eco friendly and as safe as can be. But look out. What’s that by that tree? Its footprints are huge. Have we found the Yeti?

Investigating the melting point of different materials.

We carried out an investiagtion to find the temperature differnt materails melt - turn from a solid to a liquid. We put ketchup, chocolate, butter, milk, cheese and shampoo into the freezer to turn them all into a solid. We then put them in the oven at 30, 40, 50, 60 and 70 degrees and observed any changes from a solid to a liquid. Milk had the lowest melting point of 30 degrees and cheese had the highest melting point of 70 degrees,

Making a non- Newtonian Fluid - Ooblek!

A non - Newtonian Fluid is a materail that can take on the properties of a solid and a liquid when a force is applied

Spring 2 2023-24

Road trip USA

Buckle up, sunglasses on. We’re going on a road trip across the good old US of A. Flying from London Gatwick, and landing at JFK airport New York, it’s time to explore the sights and sounds of the Big Apple. Use your map skills to navigate your way around some of its most famous landmarks and send a postcard home to ask the question ‘Do you wish you were here?’ Learn how to send an email to book a day trip or reserve a room. Make sure you ask the important questions ‘Does your hotel have a pool? Is there 24-hour room service?’ Meet the Iroquois tribe; Native Americans with amazing customs and traditions. Then plan a bespoke road trip for Mr Smith and his family of four. They want to spend three weeks in the sunshine. It’s going to be a long ride. Put the roof down and let the wind blow through your hair. We’re off.

Swimming this term will be on a Tuesday

Payment for this can be made on ParentPay at a subsidised cost of £1.50 per week. Please ensure your child has the appropriate kit of a one piece swimming costume or shorts, a swimming hat and a towel. 

Spring 1 2023-24

Traders and Raiders

Traders & Raiders. Big and strong, powerful and brave, the Saxons wave their battle axes and brandish their swords as they begin to invade Britain’s shores. Sail back to the Dark Ages, where battles were rife and fear reigned. Find out about the lives of the Saxons, including how they lived and where they came from. Meet the bloodthirsty Vikings from Scandinavia – never before had such terror swept the land. Make a Saxon sword or a Viking brooch and decorate it with intricate patterns. Choose to be a Saxon or Viking and trade your crafty goods, but let’s keep it cool. We don’t want a fight breaking out. Are you ready to shine a light on the dangerous and deadly Dark Ages?

In Traders and Raiders, we have learned how Vikings made bread! We used flour from ancient grains to make a dough and put cheese inside for flavour. Instead of cooking it on a hot stone in a fire, we used a hot plate. Some of liked it-others, not so much!

Autumn Term 2 2023-24


What’s that noise? A bash? A crash? A shake, a rattle or a low, bass hum? Which do you prefer – an acoustic singer or a booming brass band? A solitary voice singing sweetly and quietly or a magnificent choir lifting the roof? Take out your ear plugs as you journey through the valley of sound and find out about instruments, the sounds they make and how they are produced. Discover how sounds are made and which sounds travel the furthest. Then, sing up and compose a class song for the local talent contest, Class Factor. Can you write a number one hit? Be sure to stand up straight, warm up your voice and sing your heart out. When your performance is done, sit back and listen to calming classical melodies, a soothing lullaby or your favourite boy band ballad. Can you hear me over there? Or do I need to TALK MORE LOUDLY?

Autumn Term 1 2023-24

I am Warrior


I am strong, brave and powerful. Meet me in battle. Draw your sword, wield your axe and challenge me if you dare. Invade and attack. Romans versus Celts, the fight is on. Discover warring Britain: meet Claudius, Boudicca and Julius Caesar and find out what the Romans did for us.

In our 'I am Warrior' topic, we looked at Roman coins. Then we designed and made a purse to carry them in.

Welcome to our Pioneers class page    2022 - 2023


We are the Year 4 class at Warren Hills Primary School.

The class is taught by Miss Horrill and Mrs Felstead and is supported by Mrs Cave.


PE this term will be on a Tuesday and Wednesday

Please ensure that your child has an indoor kit consisting of a Warren Hills P.E. T-Shirt, shorts and plimsolls and also an outdoor kit consisting of plain tracksuit bottoms or leggings, a Warren Hills P.E. T-Shirt, sweatshirt and pair of trainers. Long hair must be tied back and earrings removed (if your child is unable to remove earrings themselves, please ensure they are removed before school). 

We Love Reading

In our class, we know how important reading is to help us learn and we follow a reading scheme in our school called Read, Write, Inc. We each have a home reading folder to bring our books home in every day and a yellow reading record. We enjoy reading at home and know how important it is to practise with our parents/carers regularly to help us become successful readers.

A note from the teacher: Please ensure that your child brings their home reading folder back to school every day and remember to encourage them to spend some time reading either to an adult or independently each day.

Summer Term 2 2022-23

Grab your wetsuit! We’re going on a deep sea adventure.

This half term, we’ll visit an aquarium to gain an insight into the ocean world. We’ll sketch different creatures and create clay sculptures of our favourite. Writing poems inspired by our favourite sea creatures will help us to develop a rich vocabulary. Using maps, globes and atlases, we’ll identify the world’s oceans and seas. We’ll also find different ways of grouping living things. Diving back into the 1800s, we’ll learn all about the HMS Challenger. We’ll research Jacques Cousteau and write biographies about his exciting explorations. As a challenge, we’ll create model submarines using recycled materials and program an onscreen submarine. We’ll study Antony Gormley’s Another Place sculpture and write reviews. After locating the Great Barrier Reef on a map, we’ll learn about the risks it faces.

Summer Term 1 2022-23

Mighty mountains peak above the morning mists, imposing and eternal, rocky outcrops at their feet. Discover how these giants are formed, as a fold or a block, a dome or a plateau. Follow the water cycle’s course from peak to valley and meet the exceptional tribes of the hostile Himalayas. Then plan a mountain expedition from the BMC that is eco friendly and as safe as can be. But look out. What’s that by that tree? Its footprints are huge. Have we found the Yeti?

Spring Term 2 2022-23

Buckle up, sunglasses on. We’re going on a road trip across the good old US of A. Flying from London Gatwick, and landing at JFK airport New York, it’s time to explore the sights and sounds of the Big Apple. Use your map skills to navigate your way around some of its most famous landmarks and send a postcard home to ask the question ‘Do you wish you were here?’ Learn how to send an email to book a day trip or reserve a room. Make sure you ask the important questions ‘Does your hotel have a pool? Is there 24-hour room service?’ Meet the Iroquois tribe; Native Americans with amazing customs and traditions. Then plan a bespoke road trip for Mr Smith and his family of four. They want to spend three weeks in the sunshine. It’s going to be a long ride. Put the roof down and let the wind blow through your hair. We’re off.

Spring Term 1 2022-23


Traders & Raiders. Big and strong, powerful and brave, the Saxons wave their battle axes and brandish their swords as they begin to invade Britain’s shores. Sail back to the Dark Ages, where battles were rife and fear reigned. Find out about the lives of the Saxons, including how they lived and where they came from. Meet the bloodthirsty Vikings from Scandinavia – never before had such terror swept the land. Make a Saxon sword or a Viking brooch and decorate it with intricate patterns. Choose to be a Saxon or Viking and trade your crafty goods, but let’s keep it cool. We don’t want a fight breaking out. Are you ready to shine a light on the dangerous and deadly Dark Ages?

Autumn Term 2 2022-23


What’s that noise? A bash? A crash? A shake, a rattle or a low, bass hum? Which do you prefer – an acoustic singer or a booming brass band? A solitary voice singing sweetly and quietly or a magnificent choir lifting the roof? Take out your ear plugs as you journey through the valley of sound and find out about instruments, the sounds they make and how they are produced. Discover how sounds are made and which sounds travel the furthest. Then, sing up and compose a class song for the local talent contest, Class Factor. Can you write a number one hit? Be sure to stand up straight, warm up your voice and sing your heart out. When your performance is done, sit back and listen to calming classical melodies, a soothing lullaby or your favourite boy band ballad. Can you hear me over there? Or do I need to TALK MORE LOUDLY?

Autumn Term 1 2022-23


I am Warrior! I am strong, brave and powerful. Meet me in battle. Draw your sword, wield your axe and challenge me if you dare. Invade and attack. Romans versus Celts, the fight is on. Discover warring Britain: meet Claudius, Boudicca and Julius Caesar and find out what the Romans did for us.
