Writing Statement of Intent
At Warren Hills, we believe in ensuring that children have a range of opportunities to develop fine motor skills through core stability schemes and we ensure that readiness for writing is at the core of our pupils’ journey from Nursery to EYFS. We celebrate writing in school and provide our children with a range of stimuli to help nurture a love of writing such as trips, visitors, in-school experiences and real-life scenarios. We ensure that children are provided with regular opportunities for extended writing across the curriculum to develop their writing for a range of purposes and genres. Grammar, punctuation and spelling lessons are taught discretely and we are determined to ensure coverage and progression of skills and vocabulary in order for all our pupils to achieve. Our text-rich approach to the curriculum enables children to access high quality text types, which enhances their writing by expanding and broadening the range of vocabulary used. We have high expectations of presentation of writing in all subjects and adopt a continuous cursive handwriting approach. We aspire for pupils to develop independence in writing by ensuring they have confidence in the drafting and editing process. We implement a clear whole school pen system for editing and children have specific exercise books reserved for publishing final drafts.